
BU (Beta Update) signifies a BETA update.

TU (Title Update) signifies a public release update.

04/08/24 - 22:32

Development begins

BU1 - 05/08/24 - 01:50

  • Added “Segoe UI” as the main font

  • BETA release of the navbar is finished

  • BETA release of the home page has entered development

  • Added a temporary background

  • Added a notice to visitors that the page is in BETA

  • Added this page (will eventually continue development once home page is finished)

BU2 - 05/08/24 - 22:15

  • Temporary background replaced with a permanent background

  • Added my Patapon to the right of the home screen and music review page

  • Navbar finished

  • Music review pages have entered development